And what after the Ladies’ Circle?

by Monique Andersen January 11, 2020

Joining the Ladies’ Circle, a service club, is special. For the purpose of friendship and helping others a lot of women join this great global initiative and spread a lot of friendship and help to others.

A lot of fundraising events are organized for all kinds of good causes. One rule of Ladies’ Circle is that at a certain age you’ll have to leave to make room for new enthousiastic women. And I think that that is a good decision. Some of the former LC members go to other service minded clubs or decide to meet up from time to time with the other former members. I joined two different Ladies’ Circles in the Netherlands, because I moved houses to an other region and I realise that I see some similarities in what I do now.

I thought I could mention that so that you, as a (former) member of a service club are aware of the possibilities of starting with Forever and continue to contribute with positivity to make the world a little better.

Working together with the company Forever also offers to be part of a global community with a positive vibe. The global events are precious because of the positive energy and international connections with each other. Once a year a lot of cultures are gathered during a yearly event called Global Rally. And there are more international gatherings.

Building this business requires that you’re a people person and like to help others. Being service minded and that you have organizational skills.

Forever Living Products is also an organization which cares a lot about good causes and donates a lot in cases of emergency situations. Whether it’s money or products, Forever Giving offers help.

I can only speak for Ladies’ Circle because I experienced this organization. But I can imagine that it also counts for service clubs like Rotary, Round Table, Kiwanis, Lions Club etc.

So if you’re interested and curious whether joining this great global organization, which already exits for over 40 years and is successful in more than 160 countries worldwide, could be interesting for you: get in touch with me!